Activism Through Storytelling with Code

screenshot of Google Summer of Code project Abstract page

This project by Niki Ito was created as a part of the Google Summer of Code 2021. Niki is an artist, designer, and beginner-coder. With guidance from her mentors Elgin-Skye McLaren and Grace Kwon, Niki developed her project titled “Activism Through Storytelling with Code.” The project includes this website “about Me, You, & Us,” a Project Handbook, and a GitHub Repository.

Project Handbook

screenshot of handbook landing page

The handbook is a friendly guide on how Niki created “about Me, You, & Us.” It mainly focuses on the conceptual process, the audio and visual process, and the coding process for non-coders and beginner-coders. The handbook will act as a step-by-step documentation for other artists, designers, activists, and coders to work on their own creative project.

GitHub Repository

screenshot of GitHub repository

The GitHub repository includes all of the project files and the file’s revision history. The project files include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files for this website, the handbook, and a readme page which describes the project and includes links to the websites.